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Change the highway logistics ecology "truck help"

Hits:Updated:2017-02-09 16:02:58【Print】

Just a few years ago, China's road logistics is still in the "original" - the information is extremely asymmetric, the level of information is not high, a large number of vehicles empty drive, "lying nest", transport efficiency is very low. Now, with the rapid development of large data, this situation is being greatly improved.

In the recently held the central enterprises to help national large data (Guizhou) comprehensive test area construction symposium, Guiyang lorry to help science and technology Co., Ltd. President Luo Peng told reporters: "use of large data, e-commerce, mobile Internet and other modern information technology, To help build China 's first successful, but also the only comprehensive national highway logistics information platform to build China' s road logistics infrastructure - social public transport pool.

In this regard, the image of the industry to evaluate that China's road logistics from the "small blackboard" era, with the "digital" platform.

Data show that China's road logistics efficiency and cost compared with developed countries in Europe and America there is a big gap, which, the vehicle's air drive also account for "big head." Wagon information platform is to help build this problem. Through the platform, the owners and owners of information between the bridge of communication, highway logistics from the real plug in the wings of information.

At present, the truck has been in the country's 31 provincial cities, 296 prefecture-level cities to establish a 472 fixed service outlets, with 508 units for the national market of mobile service vehicles, with 2,500 ground team, service system all over the country. As of the end of last year, the integrity of the development platform platform has reached 400,000 registered members, the integrity of more than 300 members of certified vehicles more than 400,000 a day, the owner of the owner of the platform to publish more than 5 million sources of information.

"Let the big figures fall, so that large data really is not an empty talk to the community through Ali cloud estimates, trucks to help save the 2015 fuel value of 50 billion yuan to reduce carbon emissions 27 million tons.At the same time, the company and Alibaba The development of the national highway logistics index is also working, not only can fully reflect the development of China's road logistics, more able to help the local government analysis of local economic and economic structure, so as to provide data to support the development of around. In addition, the truck is also actively explore more ways to cooperate with large data +, such as large data + national defense mobilization, party building, public services, rail transport, new digital logistics port, with large data, Information technology into more traditional industries, so that large data truly fall to the benefit of the people.

Based on the platform of a large owner, owner and cargo information, truck help is also trying to maximize the use of data capabilities. Last year, "double 11" period, the platform test the water online sales, with four domestic OEMs joint sales of heavy trucks, 3 days sales of 276 units, creating output value of nearly 70 million yuan. At the same time, the platform of second-hand car trading, new car buy and other business also accelerated the integration of large data and traditional manufacturing information, creating a mutually beneficial and win-win situation.



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