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Cold chain off what to rely on? China cold chain development problem?

Hits:Updated:2017-02-09 16:02:59【Print】

Why demand and supply, and so all the resources are very rich in the case of China's cold chain has not developed? Some experts believe that because the cold chain industry started late, but the pace of development of most of China's emerging industries is no less than the "Shenzhen speed"; others believe that the standardization of the cold chain system is not sound, but this can not be justified.
 Last week, the Guangxi Beibu Bay 120 tons of seafood cold chain train from the Guangxi Fangchenggang station to the Beijing Dahongmen station, to achieve the cold chain of seafood special train in Beijing to Beijing, the normal line, the cold chain train to Beijing to eat Cheap Beibu Bay seafood.
 At present, the author is involved in the planning and long Jichun Railway Zarubino port of Russia sea and railway transport, as well as high-speed rail passenger transport of light goods transformation project. After the completion of this project, cheap and cold railway chain can also allow consumers to eat cheap Japanese seafood in the sea.
 The concept of "cold chain" should not be unfamiliar. The cold chain is the storage, transportation and distribution of food, food, medicine, and biological products under specific low temperature environment, from food safety to drug safety. Quality, but such a simple statement of the recent cold chain problems frequently, how cold chain in the end of China?
 In terms of economic strength, China has become the world's second largest economy in the world by 2015, the cold chain in China has been eight years of history, development time is long enough; GDP up to 67.67 trillion yuan, the cold chain to run the full economic environment; by spending power point of view, in 2015 the total retail sales of social consumer goods amounted to 30.1 trillion yuan, only the amount of consumption far exceeds Japan, the world's GDP ranked third in the country , While the luxury market consumption accounted for 46% of the world, reaching 116.8 billion US dollars. In addition, if the application accounted for the largest share of the cold chain of fresh agricultural products market to calculate only fresh electricity trading volume reached 56 billion yuan to 10% of fresh electricity market share of the estimated 2015 fresh agricultural products consumption From the investment capacity, in 2015 the national fixed asset investment reached 55 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.0% over the previous year, the cold-chain investment funds conditions are ripe; according to the investment capacity of the cold; Cold chain market return on investment is expected by 2020, the global annual output value of the cold chain market reached 271.9 billion US dollars, cold chain investment return market prospects.
 Various statistical data show that China's cold chain is no reason not to develop, but the actual situation is difficult to be optimistic. The statistics show that in 2015, China's fruit and vegetable, meat, aquatic products cold chain circulation rates were 10%, 26% and 38%, while Japan and South Korea countries cold chain circulation rate of agricultural products and fruits and vegetables were 95% and 98%, the difference between the legislation was significant. Although China's per capita GDP is only $ 8,280, but the original European and American countries than the establishment of a complete system of agricultural products when the cold chain and the per capita income is not small, showing that the proportion of China's cold chain logistics is too low because the problem is not here.
 Why demand and supply, and so all the resources are very rich in the case of China's cold chain has not developed? Some experts believe that because the cold chain industry started late, but the pace of development of most of China's emerging industries is no less than the "Shenzhen speed"; others believe that the standardization of the cold chain system is not sound, but this can not be justified. Although in China, due to the fragmentation, the industry sector were developed more than 200 cold chain logistics standards more difficult to unify, but before the establishment of the European Union, the European cold chain standards are fragmented, varied, and the Chinese National Standardization Committee configuration specifications High and cold chain links are corresponding standards, the standard unified also substantive; also said that because the Government of food safety supervision is not enough, the Chinese government introduced the "Food Safety Law" in the world should be punished the most severe ; Some people say that the lack of information technology, but the original European and American countries to form a complete cold chain system from the rise of the Internet there are 30 years time and space; the most ridiculous argument is that China's urban concentration, population density can not support the cold chain Consumption, but only on the concentration of tens of millions of population in Beijing, more than the sum of Canada's population; others believe that most of the cold chain links by the manufacturers, processors and retailers to operate their own third-party cold chain logistics business is difficult to cultivate, The beginning of the establishment of the cold transport division, only the end of the cold chain of medicine is the target value of 400 million yuan.
 Therefore, these so-called problems are not cold chain missing key elements.
 In March this year, the National Development and Reform Commission and other ten ministries jointly issued the "on the strengthening of logistics short-board construction to promote effective investment and consumption guidance", the author had an interview with the media, "opinions" on the "logistics short board "The summary of keen and crucial, but no one can really put the solution to the ground. The cold chain of agricultural products, for example, in accordance with the famous "barrel theory", because the cold chain "broken chain", making most of the high input of the cold chain in the individual links once the short board will make the whole system low return or even negative return .
 At the same time, due to cold chain infrastructure is irrational and unbalanced, once the formation of cold chain system, it is prone to "broken chain." To fresh electricity providers, for example, although fresh agricultural products due to frequent transactions lead to strong customer stickiness and the formation of a highly attractive, high-margin, booming emerging markets, but in fact very low net profit fresh electricity providers, according to incomplete Statistics, cold chain transport costs accounted for more than 40% of the total cost, leading to domestic appliances only 1% of 4000 business profits, 95% of fresh electricity providers are in the "lose money earned crying" state.
 As the agricultural products from the origin to the consumer distribution system chain is longer, cold chain system is huge, a single enterprise is difficult to independently cover the entire cold chain, there is a "tragedy of the commons." Cold chain logistics for agricultural products in the field of either pre-picking in the field, the initial processing of pre-cooling, or cold storage and cold transport convergence at the "cold cargo area", because the ownership of the multi-subject "commons tragedy", resulting in no business Willing to invest but to use, thus aggravating the enterprises in the breakpoint of the investment link weakened, and finally evolved into a cold chain system "tragedy."
 It appears that the core of the problem clearly points to the cold chain infrastructure investment dislocation. Europe and the United States in the national public financial investment on the very few, cautious, but in the agricultural cold chain infrastructure investment has taken all or most of the national public finance investment. In recent years, China has spared no effort in the construction of railway infrastructure, even in the areas of investment should be replaced by the government-led, such as incentives for technological innovation and new energy, new materials, policy subsidies , But in the most should be invested by the national public finance cold chain infrastructure investment is extremely low, resulting in overcapacity related industries.
 In the country 37 million tons of cold storage capacity of the whole, 90,000 vehicles under cold conditions, the current development of cold chain problems: part of the cold storage of the duplication of construction, and social cold chain infrastructure is seriously absent. Current individual enterprises in the cold chain infrastructure investment is only concentrated in the supply chain is short, can be covered by the cold chain links, or by the cold chain of drugs and other high-profit space support and drive the common cold chain infrastructure. And the global investment in cold chain infrastructure and "broken chain" of the continuation of the only increase in national public financial investment, it is possible to arouse the other follow the investment in the fast high-yield cold chain links, so that the lack of rapid development of China's cold chain stand up.


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