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Two NPC deputies for five consecutive years to mention "truck overload into the sentence"!

Hits:Updated:2017-03-16 16:03:22【Print】


Not long ago, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to consider the safety production law, road traffic safety law enforcement inspection report and a special inquiry, the Minister of Transportation Li Xiaopeng suggested that to speed up research and development will be seriously overrun overload illegal transport included in the category of dangerous driving , To investigate the criminal responsibility of personnel, improve illegal costs, the formation of a strong deterrent.
Zhang Qiong, secretary of the Party Committee of the Provincial People's Congress and the People's Congress of Henan Province, this year suggested that the total quality of the goods should be overly restricted and transported as a case of dangerous driving and included in the Criminal Law.



The truck is getting more and more deadly.
       Zhang Qiong cited a set of data, from 2006 to 2015, in the truck accident major traffic accident, due to overrun overload caused about 60%.
"The serious overloading of trucks is extremely damaging to public transport safety, and it also seriously endangers the road and road transport market."
Research shows that the driving speed of 50 km of goods vehicles, overrun overload rate reached 100%, the braking distance and risk factor increased by 80%. When the vehicle overload rate is 30%, the road maintenance cost will increase by 200%.
In addition, the road freight industry threshold is low, the market practitioners are numerous, the capacity is greater than the transport demand, the market competition is extremely "tragic", part of the carrier competition for the price of competing prices, through malicious overrun overload to ensure transportation profits, this phenomenon has been Disrupt the order of China 's road transport market.
[The current legal deterrent is not enough]
       Since the truck overload behavior is so serious, what is the current management means? Zhang Qiong said that the current legal deterrent is not enough
At present, the overruns of governance are mainly based on the "Highway Law", "Road Traffic Safety Law" and "Highway Safety Protection Regulations", including administrative means and economic means. Administrative means mainly rely on overrun detection station for unloading, punishment, etc., due to the national highway mileage long, wide coverage, law enforcement is difficult to comprehensive control. Economic means is the toll road on the truck to implement the weight of the charges, it to some extent to curb the overloading behavior, but the toll road accounted for less than 4% of the total mileage of the national highway, the overall effect of governance is limited.
Due to low legal costs, driven by the interests of some owners ignore the public safety wantonly overloaded, and some vehicles within a year even violated hundreds of times.
[Overrun overload has been precedent abroad, China's current progress? To
        According to Zhang Qiong, South Korea imposed a term of imprisonment of not more than one year for serious overrun vehicle drivers or forced drivers, and the United States sentenced the driver to imprisonment for more than one year.
November 1, 2015, "the People's Republic of China Criminal Law Amendment (9)" the formal implementation of the road transport "three super" in the serious overcrowding and serious speeding are included in the criminal law accountability, for the serious overrun Opportunity.
December 2016, Minister of Transport Minister Li Xiaopeng has suggested that to speed up the study to promote the overloading of illegal acts included in the scope of dangerous driving crime.
"Serious overrun overload behavior into the sentence, will form a strong deterrent to improve the cost of illegal transport, overloading and overloading behavior significantly reduced, so as to effectively protect the social and public interests and the lives and property of the people.
The truck driver has something to say
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Do not solve the problem of truck driver survival,
Will only rule more chaos.
       Now the most reason for the overloading of goods vehicles overrun is that the various costs of transporting the tolls, taxes and so on are too high and the charges are serious, and the normal capacity of the drivers has been exceeded. If you do not overload the limit, then there is no profit to earn, the basic life of the driver is also difficult to maintain.
Overloading distribution process
       In all fairness, no matter which driver, who do not want to overload the transport, overloading both injured, but also easy to danger, but for the driver, in order to live, in order to feed their families, do not overload what way?
       The current governance is only based on the "fee economy" "fine economy" to consider the interests of the lack of fundamentally let the driver voluntarily give up the power of overload. Now only the tolls and other costs down, so that the truck drivers do not overload the limit also have money, the fundamental rectification of the road chaos arbitrary charges, and increase the penalty owner, the logistics company to force the driver overload behavior, in order to "overload Included in the dangerous driving crime "with the foundation, so that the law can be effectively implemented.


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