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A fine of 500 will be imposed for exceeding one ton, this time it's a real deal!

Hits:Updated:2017-03-17 16:03:37【Print】

Since September 21, 2016, the "strictest overloading control measures in history" have been officially implemented. With the signing of the "Memorandum of Cooperation on Implementing Joint Punishments on Relevant Responsible Entities for Serious Illegal and Dishonest Overloaded Transport Vehicles" by 36 departments in February this year, the situation of overloading control in various regions has become increasingly severe.

Recently, our truck brothers were punished in Henan due to this regulation. The fine for exceeding two tons is as high as 1000 yuan.


According to the newly revised "Regulations on the Management of Over limit Transport Vehicles on Highways", the unified over limit recognition standards have been established. In terms of weight over limit recognition, clear provisions have been made for the upper limit of the total weight of freight cars and trains with 2 to 6 axles or more. There are also clear regulations on the length, width, and height of vehicles and cargo when it comes to identifying excessive external dimensions.
The new standard clearly stipulates that the total weight limit for 2-axle freight cars has been adjusted from 20 tons to 18 tons, the total weight limit for 3-axle center axle trailer trains and articulated trains is 27 tons, and the total weight limit for freight vehicles is 25 tons, while the previous unified limit was 30 tons. The cargo capacity of a 6-axle truck has increased from 55 tons to 49 tons, and the total height must not exceed 4 meters. A fine of 500 yuan will be imposed for each ton exceeding the standard, and a maximum fine of 3000 yuan may be imposed for exceeding the height and width of the truck and cargo.


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