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Countdown, there are still 24 days left until the implementation of "GB7258-2017"!

Hits:Updated:2017-12-13 17:12:03【Print】

GB7258-2017 will be implemented from New Year's Day next year, and so far some logistics companies and truck drivers have not paid enough attention to it. So, what exactly is GB7258-2017? What specific car models and companies are involved? What are the characteristics of "details" required for trucks, and what impact will it have on the industry in the future? Below, let me analyze for you:
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What exactly is GB7258-2017?
The scope involved is very broad
GB7258 is the most basic technical standard for motor vehicle safety management in China, widely used in related fields such as motor vehicle manufacturing, import, quality inspection, registration, safety technology inspection, maintenance, operation safety management, accident vehicle inspection, and motor vehicle scrapping.
Sword Finger Safety Accident
In recent years, problems such as inadequate safety performance of highway buses, public buses, and heavy and medium-sized cargo vehicles have been exposed in traffic accidents on Chongte Avenue, GB7258-2017 is a revision of GB7258-2012, aimed at improving the safety performance of vehicles, regulating vehicle safety management, and ensuring road traffic safety.
Comprehensive layout of law enforcement
According to the notice, the brigade is required to study and propose implementation opinions for this province by the end of November, and complete the training of police officers for road duty, inspection, and accident handling positions by the end of the year, Familiarize oneself with the revised content and new requirements, and effectively improve the level of law enforcement. The Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security will also hold publicity and training courses.
Numerous related vehicle models
For different types of vehicles such as large and medium-sized buses, school buses, heavy and medium-sized trucks, heavy trailers, dangerous goods transport vehicles, special operation vehicles, new energy vehicles, and recreational vehicles, safety device configuration regulations for different stages of production vehicles are differentiated, inspection processes and standards are refined, and inspection items and requirements are strictly implemented.
What is the truck inspection for
The main inspection includes the marking position of identification codes for heavy-duty trucks and trailers, requirements for tank bodies (boxes), regular vehicle inspections, tire wear status, external dimensions, seating positions, pasting of reflective markings on the body, installation of side and rear protective devices, configuration of seat belts, emergency shut-off valve status for liquid hazardous cargo tankers, etc.
Which companies should pay attention to
The notice requires departments such as quality inspection, transportation, and industry and information technology to supervise and inspect the implementation of GB7258-2017, and urge enterprises in motor vehicle production, motor vehicle safety technology inspection, road transportation, etc. to conscientiously implement GB7258-2017.
How to Strictly Grasp and Strike Hard
If any non-compliance with GB7258-2017 is found in the production or sales process, it shall be immediately corrected and punished, and recalled according to regulations; If any violations are found during the registration or inspection of motor vehicles, photos and relevant information of the violating vehicle products should be collected as required, the situation of the violating products should be reported, and reported and exposed.
GB7258-2017 Explodes Multiple Hotspots
GB7258-2017 is a mandatory standard that concerns the safety of motor vehicle operation and vehicle manufacturing. Once strictly implemented, it will inevitably have a significant impact on the existing road freight and commercial vehicle fields, just like GB1589-2016.
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1. More money is needed behind greater safety
Referring to GB7258-2017, it is not difficult to find that from trucks to buses to specialized vehicles and even new energy vehicles, many safety configurations have been added, but users inevitably need to bear more expenses. For example, according to the national standard, starting from January 1, 2018, all semi-trailer brakes should be equipped with automatic brake clearance adjustment devices (priced at approximately 600-1500 yuan); Trucks and specialized operation vehicles with a total mass of less than or equal to 3500kg should be equipped with anti lock braking devices in the future (priced at or above 1500 yuan); Some car models need to be equipped with disc brakes and air suspension (compared to trailer models with steel plate suspension and drum brakes, which may cost 50000 to 60000 yuan more); New trailers require the installation of automatic adjustment arms (with a minimum price of 900 yuan). Obviously, in the short term, the increase in purchasing costs for users is unavoidable.
2. There is a transitional period, but policies are difficult to adjust
Once GB7258-2017 was released, when the policy would be implemented became a focus of attention, and fortunately, it did make a lot of concessions in terms of timing. For example, the regulation that all wheels of dangerous goods transport semi trailers should be equipped with disc brakes will be implemented on January 1, 2019, and the relevant regulations on the installation of disc brakes on three axle rail type and compartment type semi trailers will be implemented on January 1, 2020; The regulation stipulates that the rear axle of dangerous goods transport trucks with a total mass greater than or equal to 12000kg, all dangerous goods transport semi trailers, and three axle rail type and compartment type semi trailers should be equipped with air suspension, which was implemented on January 1, 2020. However, even so, it should be acknowledged that the possibility of policy adjustments and updates is unlikely. Referring to GB1589-2016, it also caused a "rebound", but now, the national standard has not undergone significant changes.
3. There are many details related to truck terms and conditions
In addition to the disc brakes, air suspension, and ABS mentioned earlier, this national standard has added multiple contents for trucks. The following aspects are particularly noteworthy for enterprises and cardholders: it has added the requirement that trucks with a total mass greater than or equal to 12000kg should be equipped with a right turn sound prompt device; The total load-bearing capacity of tires installed on trucks and trailers with a total mass greater than 3500kg (excluding special purpose trailers such as enclosed trucks and recreational trailers) should be less than or equal to 1.4 times the total mass; The requirement for trucks with three or more axles to have overspeed alarm function; Users are not allowed to change the type of fuel required; All trucks, specialized work vehicles for truck chassis modification, and trailers (excluding recreational trailers) should have reflective markings on the side of the vehicle. This requires companies and cardholders to start by familiarizing themselves with policies, and not to be as "panicked" as they were when the "strictest overloading control order" came last year.

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As a mandatory national standard
Did everyone get the points of GB7258-2017
I hope everyone can pay attention to policies like this
This way, you can run more steadily on the road


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