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Warning! Attention all foreign trade and freight forwarders! Starting from December, your trailer fee will increase!

Hits:Updated:2017-12-13 17:12:34【Print】

Since July this year, in just five months, domestic oil prices have experienced four "no adjustment at the moment" and six "upward adjustments", with a cumulative adjustment rate of 0.79 yuan/liter.

Oil prices rise, major fleets issue price adjustment letters one after another
With the continuous increase of transportation costs such as booking fees, tire repairs, insurance fees, etc. for shipping companies, the current market freight prices and meager profits have put many truck fleets in a very severe operational situation. The rise in oil prices this time is undoubtedly adding insult to injury for many truck fleets and drivers!
It is reported that in order to alleviate the cost pressure caused by the rise in oil prices, many fleets have issued price increase notices and will comprehensively raise trailer fees from the end of November and early December.

▼ Fleet fare adjustment notice

▼ Fleet fare adjustment notice

And this is not just an isolated case. It is reported that major fleets at major ports are currently considering raising trailer fees starting from December. Therefore, please pay attention to the freight forwarding friends and contact the fleet in advance to obtain the latest price information and inform your customers.
Foreign trade friends should also be mentally prepared. Starting from December, your trailer fees may really increase!



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